- class orbitize.system.System(num_secondary_bodies, data_table, stellar_or_system_mass, plx, mass_err=0, plx_err=0, restrict_angle_ranges=False, tau_ref_epoch=58849, fit_secondary_mass=False, hipparcos_IAD=None, gaia=None, fitting_basis='Standard', use_rebound=False)[source]
A class to store information about a system (data & priors) and calculate model predictions given a set of orbital parameters.
- Parameters
num_secondary_bodies (int) – number of secondary bodies in the system. Should be at least 1.
data_table (astropy.table.Table) – output from
stellar_or_system_mass (float) – mass of the primary star (if fitting for dynamical masses of both components, for example when you have both astrometry and RVs) or total system mass (if fitting for total system mass only, as in the case of a vanilla 2-body fit using relative astrometry only ) [M_sol]
plx (float) – mean parallax of the system, in mas
mass_err (float, optional) – uncertainty on
, in M_solplx_err (float, optional) – uncertainty on
, in masrestrict_angle_ranges (bool, optional) – if True, restrict the ranges of the position angle of nodes to [0,180) to get rid of symmetric double-peaks for imaging-only datasets.
tau_ref_epoch (float, optional) – reference epoch for defining tau (MJD). Default is 58849 (Jan 1, 2020).
fit_secondary_mass (bool, optional) – if True, include the dynamical mass of the orbiting body as a fitted parameter. If this is set to False,
is taken to be the total mass of the system. (default: False)hipparcos_IAD (orbitize.hipparcos.HipparcosLogProb) – an object containing information & precomputed values relevant to Hipparcos IAD fitting. See for more details.
gaia (orbitize.gaia.GaiaLogProb) – an object containing information & precomputed values relevant to Gaia astrometrry fitting. See for more details.
fitting_basis (str) – the name of the class corresponding to the fitting basis to be used. See for a list of implemented fitting bases.
use_rebound (bool) – if True, use an n-body backend solver instead of a Keplerian solver.
Priors are initialized as a list of orbitize.priors.Prior objects and stored in the variable
. You should initialize this class, then overwrite priors you wish to customize. You can use theSystem.param_idx
attribute to figure out which indices correspond to which fitting parameters. See the “changing priors” tutorial for more detail.Written: Sarah Blunt, Henry Ngo, Jason Wang, 2018
- compute_all_orbits(params_arr, epochs=None, comp_rebound=False)[source]
Calls orbitize.kepler.calc_orbit and optionally accounts for multi-body interactions. Also computes total quantities like RV (without jitter/gamma)
- Parameters
params_arr (np.array of float) – RxM array of fitting parameters, where R is the number of parameters being fit, and M is the number of orbits we need model predictions for. Must be in the same order documented in
above. If M=1, this can be a 1d array.epochs (np.array of float) – epochs (in mjd) at which to compute orbit predictions.
comp_rebound (bool, optional) – A secondary optional input for use of N-body solver Rebound; by default, this will be set to false and a Kepler solver will be used instead.
- Returns
- raoff (np.array of float): N_epochs x N_bodies x N_orbits array of
RA offsets from barycenter at each epoch.
- decoff (np.array of float): N_epochs x N_bodies x N_orbits array of
Dec offsets from barycenter at each epoch.
- vz (np.array of float): N_epochs x N_bodies x N_orbits array of
radial velocities at each epoch.
- Return type
- compute_model(params_arr, use_rebound=False)[source]
Compute model predictions for an array of fitting parameters. Calls the above compute_all_orbits() function, adds jitter/gamma to RV measurements, and propagates these predictions to a model array that can be subtracted from a data array to compute chi2.
- Parameters
params_arr (np.array of float) – RxM array of fitting parameters, where R is the number of parameters being fit, and M is the number of orbits we need model predictions for. Must be in the same order documented in
above. If M=1, this can be a 1d array.use_rebound (bool, optional) – A secondary optional input for use of N-body solver Rebound; by default, this will be set to false and a Kepler solver will be used instead.
- Returns
- np.array of float: Nobsx2xM array model predictions. If M=1, this is
a 2d array, otherwise it is a 3d array.
- np.array of float: Nobsx2xM array jitter predictions. If M=1, this is
a 2d array, otherwise it is a 3d array.
- Return type
tuple of
- orbitize.system.generate_synthetic_data(orbit_frac, mtot, plx, ecc=0.5, inc=0.7853981633974483, argp=0.7853981633974483, lan=0.7853981633974483, tau=0.8, num_obs=4, unc=2)[source]
Generate an orbitize-table of synethic data
- Parameters
orbit_frac (float) – percentage of orbit covered by synthetic data
mtot (float) – total mass of the system [M_sol]
plx (float) – parallax of system [mas]
num_obs (int) – number of observations to generate
unc (float) – uncertainty on all simulated RA & Dec measurements [mas]
- Returns
astropy.table.Table: data table of generated synthetic data
float: the semimajor axis of the generated data
- Return type
- orbitize.system.radec2seppa(ra, dec, mod180=False)[source]
Convenience function for converting from right ascension/declination to separation/ position angle.
- Parameters
ra (np.array of float) – array of RA values, in mas
dec (np.array of float) – array of Dec values, in mas
mod180 (Bool) – if True, output PA values will be given in range [180, 540) (useful for plotting short arcs with PAs that cross 360 during observations) (default: False)
- Returns
(separation [mas], position angle [deg])
- Return type
tuple of float
- orbitize.system.seppa2radec(sep, pa)[source]
Convenience function to convert sep/pa to ra/dec
- Parameters
sep (np.array of float) – array of separation in mas
pa (np.array of float) – array of position angles in degrees
- Returns
(ra [mas], dec [mas])
- Return type
- orbitize.system.transform_errors(x1, x2, x1_err, x2_err, x12_corr, transform_func, nsamps=100000)[source]
Transform errors and covariances from one basis to another using a Monte Carlo apporach
- Parameters
x1 (float) – planet location in first coordinate (e.g., RA, sep) before transformation
x2 (float) – planet location in the second coordinate (e.g., Dec, PA) before transformation)
x1_err (float) – error in x1
x2_err (float) – error in x2
x12_corr (float) – correlation between x1 and x2
transform_func (function) – function that transforms between (x1, x2) and (x1p, x2p) (the transformed coordinates). The function signature should look like: x1p, x2p = transform_func(x1, x2)
nsamps – number of samples to draw more the Monte Carlo approach. More is slower but more accurate.