Source code for orbitize.priors

import numpy as np
import abc
from astropy import units as u, constants as cst

from orbitize import basis
from orbitize.kepler import _calc_ecc_anom
import scipy.special
import scipy.stats

This module defines priors with methods to draw samples and compute log(probability)

[docs]class Prior(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for prior objects. All prior objects should inherit from this class. Written: Sarah Blunt, 2018 """ is_correlated = False @abc.abstractmethod def draw_samples(self, num_samples): pass @abc.abstractmethod def compute_lnprob(self, element_array): pass
[docs]class NearestNDInterpPrior(Prior): """ Nearest Neighbor interp. This class is a wrapper for scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator. Args: interp_fct (scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator): scipy Interpolator object containing the NDInterpolator defined by the user total_params (float): number of parameters Written: Jorge LLop-Sayson (2021) """ is_correlated = True def __init__(self, interp_fct, total_params): self.interp_fct = interp_fct self.total_params = total_params self.param_num = 0 self.correlated_drawn_samples = None self.correlated_input_samples = None self.num_priorsFromArr = interp_fct.values.size self.ind_draw = None
[docs] def increment_param_num(self): """ Increment the index to evaluate the appropriate parameter. """ self.param_num += 1 self.param_num = self.param_num % (self.total_params + 1) self.param_num = self.param_num % self.total_params
def transform_samples(self): raise NotImplementedError( """The transform_samples() method is not implemented for this Prior class yet. We're working on it! """ )
[docs] def draw_samples(self, num_samples): """ Draw positive samples from the ND interpolator. Negative samples will not be returned. Args: num_samples (float): the number of samples to generate. Returns: numpy array of float: samples drawn from the ND interpolator distribution. Array has length `num_samples`. """ if self.param_num == 0: ind_draw = np.random.randint(self.num_priorsFromArr, size=num_samples) self.ind_draw = ind_draw return_me = self.interp_fct.points[self.ind_draw, self.param_num] self.increment_param_num() return return_me else: return_me = self.interp_fct.points[self.ind_draw, self.param_num] self.increment_param_num() return return_me
[docs] def compute_lnprob(self, element_array): """ Compute log(probability) of an array of numbers wrt a the defined ND interpolator. Negative numbers return a probability of -inf. Args: element_array (float or np.array of float): array of numbers. We want the probability of drawing each of these from the ND interpolator. Returns: numpy array of float: array of log(probability) values, corresponding to the probability of drawing each of the numbers in the input `element_array`. """ if self.param_num == 0: self.correlated_input_samples = element_array else: self.correlated_input_samples = np.append( self.correlated_input_samples, element_array ) if self.param_num == self.total_params - 1: lnlike = self.interp_fct(self.correlated_input_samples) self.increment_param_num() self.logparam_corr = 1 return lnlike else: self.increment_param_num() return 0
[docs]class KDEPrior(Prior): """ Gaussian kernel density estimation (KDE) prior. This class is a wrapper for scipy.stats.gaussian_kde. Args: gaussian_kde (scipy.stats.gaussian_kde): scipy KDE object containing the KDE defined by the user total_params (float): number of parameters in the KDE bounds (array_like, optional): bounds for the KDE out of which the prob returned is -Inf bounds (array_like of bool, optional): if True for a parameter the parameter is fit to the KDE in log-scale Written: Jorge LLop-Sayson, Sarah Blunt (2021) """ is_correlated = True def __init__(self, gaussian_kde, total_params, bounds=[], log_scale_arr=[]): self.gaussian_kde = gaussian_kde self.total_params = total_params self.param_num = 0 self.logparam_corr = 1 if not bounds: self.bounds = [[-np.inf, np.inf] for i in range(total_params)] else: self.bounds = bounds if not log_scale_arr: self.log_scale_arr = [False for i in range(total_params)] else: self.log_scale_arr = log_scale_arr self.correlated_drawn_samples = None self.correlated_input_samples = None def __repr__(self): return "Gaussian KDE"
[docs] def increment_param_num(self): """ Increment the index to evaluate the appropriate parameter. """ self.param_num += 1 self.param_num = self.param_num % (self.total_params + 1) self.param_num = self.param_num % self.total_params
def transform_samples(self): raise NotImplementedError( """The transform_samples() method is not implemented for this Prior class yet. We're working on it! """ )
[docs] def draw_samples(self, num_samples): """ Draw positive samples from the KDE. Negative samples will not be returned. Args: num_samples (float): the number of samples to generate. Returns: numpy array of float: samples drawn from the KDE distribution. Array has length `num_samples`. """ if self.param_num == 0: self.correlated_drawn_samples = self.gaussian_kde.resample(num_samples) self.increment_param_num() return self.correlated_drawn_samples[0] else: return_me = self.correlated_drawn_samples[self.param_num] self.increment_param_num() return return_me
[docs] def compute_lnprob(self, element_array): """ Compute log(probability) of an array of numbers wrt a the defined KDE. Negative numbers return a probability of -inf. Args: element_array (float or np.array of float): array of numbers. We want the probability of drawing each of these from the KDE. Returns: numpy array of float: array of log(probability) values, corresponding to the probability of drawing each of the numbers in the input `element_array`. """ if ( element_array < self.bounds[self.param_num][0] or element_array > self.bounds[self.param_num][1] ): if self.log_scale_arr[self.param_num]: element_array_lin = element_array element_array = np.log10(element_array) if np.isnan(element_array): element_array = 0 # set to zero bc doesn't matter what it is since we're already returning a small prob if self.param_num == 0: self.correlated_input_samples = element_array else: self.correlated_input_samples = np.append( self.correlated_input_samples, element_array ) self.increment_param_num() self.logparam_corr = 1 return -1e10 if self.log_scale_arr[self.param_num]: element_array_lin = element_array element_array = np.log10(element_array) self.logparam_corr = self.logparam_corr * (element_array_lin) if self.param_num == 0: self.correlated_input_samples = element_array else: self.correlated_input_samples = np.append( self.correlated_input_samples, element_array ) if self.param_num == self.total_params - 1: lnlike = self.gaussian_kde.logpdf(self.correlated_input_samples) self.increment_param_num() self.logparam_corr = 1 return lnlike else: self.increment_param_num() return 0
[docs]class GaussianPrior(Prior): """Gaussian prior. .. math:: log(p(x|\\sigma, \\mu)) \\propto \\frac{(x - \\mu)}{\\sigma} Args: mu (float): mean of the distribution sigma (float): standard deviation of the distribution no_negatives (bool): if True, only positive values will be drawn from this prior, and the probability of negative values will be 0 (default:True). (written) Sarah Blunt, 2018 """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma, no_negatives=True): = mu self.sigma = sigma self.no_negatives = no_negatives def __repr__(self): return "Gaussian"
[docs] def transform_samples(self, u): """ Transform uniform 1D samples, u, to samples drawn from a Gaussian distribution. Args: u (array of floats): list of samples with values 0 < u < 1. Returns: numpy array of floats: 1D u samples transformed to a Gaussian distribution. """ # a is the # of standard deviations at which 0 occurs a = / self.sigma if self.no_negatives: samples = scipy.stats.truncnorm.isf( u, a, np.inf,, scale=self.sigma ) else: z = scipy.special.ndtri(u) samples = z * self.sigma + return samples
[docs] def draw_samples(self, num_samples): """ Draw positive samples from a Gaussian distribution. Negative samples will not be returned. Args: num_samples (float): the number of samples to generate Returns: numpy array of float: samples drawn from the appropriate Gaussian distribution. Array has length `num_samples`. """ samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_samples) samples = self.transform_samples(samples) return samples
[docs] def compute_lnprob(self, element_array): """ Compute log(probability) of an array of numbers wrt a Gaussian distibution. Negative numbers return a probability of -inf. Args: element_array (float or np.array of float): array of numbers. We want the probability of drawing each of these from the appopriate Gaussian distribution Returns: numpy array of float: array of log(probability) values, corresponding to the probability of drawing each of the numbers in the input `element_array`. """ lnprob = -0.5 * ((element_array - / self.sigma) ** 2 if self.no_negatives: bad_samples = np.where(element_array < 0)[0] lnprob[bad_samples] = -np.inf return lnprob
[docs]class LogUniformPrior(Prior): """ This is the probability distribution :math:`p(x) \\propto 1/x` The __init__ method should take in a "min" and "max" value of the distribution, which correspond to the domain of the prior. (If this is not implemented, the prior has a singularity at 0 and infinite integrated probability). Args: minval (float): the lower bound of this distribution maxval (float): the upper bound of this distribution """ def __init__(self, minval, maxval): self.minval = minval self.maxval = maxval self.logmin = np.log(minval) self.logmax = np.log(maxval) def __repr__(self): return "Log Uniform"
[docs] def transform_samples(self, u): """ Transform uniform 1D samples, u, to samples drawn from a Log Uniform distribution. Args: u (array of floats): list of samples with values 0 < u < 1. Returns: numpy array of floats: 1D u samples transformed to a Log Uniform distribution. """ samples = (self.logmax - self.logmin) * u + self.logmin # generate samples following a log uniform distribution samples = np.exp(samples) return samples
[docs] def draw_samples(self, num_samples): """ Draw samples from this 1/x distribution. Args: num_samples (float): the number of samples to generate Returns: np.array: samples ranging from [``minval``, ``maxval``) as floats. """ # sample from a uniform distribution in log space samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_samples) # convert from log space to linear space samples = self.transform_samples(samples) return samples
[docs] def compute_lnprob(self, element_array): """ Compute the prior probability of each element given that its drawn from a Log-Uniofrm prior Args: element_array (float or np.array of float): array of paramters to compute the prior probability of Returns: np.array: array of prior probabilities """ normalizer = self.logmax - self.logmin lnprob = -np.log((element_array * normalizer)) # account for scalar inputs if np.shape(lnprob) == (): if (element_array > self.maxval) or (element_array < self.minval): lnprob = -np.inf else: lnprob[(element_array > self.maxval) | (element_array < self.minval)] = ( -np.inf ) return lnprob
[docs]class UniformPrior(Prior): """ This is the probability distribution p(x) propto constant. Args: minval (float): the lower bound of the uniform prior maxval (float): the upper bound of the uniform prior """ def __init__(self, minval, maxval): self.minval = minval self.maxval = maxval def __repr__(self): return "Uniform"
[docs] def transform_samples(self, u): """ Transform uniform 1D samples, u, to samples drawn from a uniform distribution. Args: u (array of floats): list of samples with values 0 < u < 1. Returns: numpy array of floats: 1D u samples transformed to a uniform distribution. """ # generate samples following a uniform distribution samples = (self.maxval - self.minval) * u + self.minval return samples
[docs] def draw_samples(self, num_samples): """ Draw samples from this uniform distribution. Args: num_samples (float): the number of samples to generate Returns: np.array: samples ranging from [0, pi) as floats. """ # sample from a uniform distribution in log space samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_samples) samples = self.transform_samples(samples) return samples
[docs] def compute_lnprob(self, element_array): """ Compute the prior probability of each element given that its drawn from this uniform prior Args: element_array (float or np.array of float): array of paramters to compute the prior probability of Returns: np.array: array of prior probabilities """ lnprob = np.log(np.ones(np.size(element_array)) / (self.maxval - self.minval)) # account for scalar inputs if np.shape(lnprob) == (): if (element_array > self.maxval) or (element_array < self.minval): lnprob = -np.inf else: lnprob[(element_array > self.maxval) | (element_array < self.minval)] = ( -np.inf ) return lnprob
[docs]class SinPrior(Prior): """ This is the probability distribution :math:`p(x) \\propto sin(x)` The domain of this prior is [0,pi]. """ def __init__(self): pass def __repr__(self): return "Sine"
[docs] def transform_samples(self, u): """ Transform uniform 1D samples, u, to samples drawn from a Sine distribution. Args: u (array of floats): list of samples with values 0 < u < 1. Returns: numpy array of floats: 1D u samples transformed to a Sine distribution. """ # generate samples following a sin distribution samples = np.arccos(1 - 2 * u) return samples
[docs] def draw_samples(self, num_samples): """ Draw samples from a Sine distribution. Args: num_samples (float): the number of samples to generate Returns: np.array: samples ranging from [0, pi) as floats. """ # draw uniform from -1 to 1 samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_samples) samples = self.transform_samples(samples) return samples
[docs] def compute_lnprob(self, element_array): """ Compute the prior probability of each element given that its drawn from a sine prior Args: element_array (float or np.array of float): array of paramters to compute the prior probability of Returns: np.array: array of prior probabilities """ normalization = 2.0 lnprob = np.log(np.sin(element_array) / normalization) # account for scalar inputs if np.shape(lnprob) == (): if (element_array >= np.pi) or (element_array <= 0): lnprob = -np.inf else: lnprob[(element_array >= np.pi) | (element_array <= 0)] = -np.inf return lnprob
[docs]class LinearPrior(Prior): """ Draw samples from the probability distribution: .. math:: p(x) \\propto mx+b where m is negative, b is positive, and the range is [0,-b/m]. Args: m (float): slope of line. Must be negative. b (float): y intercept of line. Must be positive. """ def __init__(self, m, b): self.m = m self.b = b def __repr__(self): return "Linear"
[docs] def transform_samples(self, u): """ Transform uniform 1D samples, u, to samples drawn from a Linear distribution. Args: u (array of floats): list of samples with values 0 < u < 1. Returns: numpy array of floats: 1D u samples transformed to a Linear distribution. """ norm = -0.5 * self.b**2 / self.m # generate samples following a linear distribution linear_samples = -np.sqrt(2.0 * norm * u / self.m + (self.b / self.m) ** 2) - ( self.b / self.m ) return linear_samples
[docs] def draw_samples(self, num_samples): """ Draw samples from a descending linear distribution. Args: num_samples (float): the number of samples to generate Returns: np.array: samples ranging from [0, -b/m) as floats. """ # draw uniform from 0 to 1 samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_samples) # generate samples following a linear distribution linear_samples = self.transform_samples(samples) return linear_samples
def compute_lnprob(self, element_array): x_intercept = -self.b / self.m normalizer = -0.5 * self.b**2 / self.m lnprob = np.log((self.m * element_array + self.b) / normalizer) # account for scalar inputs if np.shape(lnprob) == (): if (element_array >= x_intercept) or (element_array < 0): lnprob = -np.inf else: lnprob[(element_array >= x_intercept) | (element_array < 0)] = -np.inf return lnprob
[docs]class ObsPrior(Prior): """ Implements the observation-based priors described in O'Neil+ 2018 ( Args: epochs (np.array of float): array of epochs at which observations are taken [mjd] ra_err (np.array of float): RA errors of observations [mas] dec_err (np.array of float): decl errors of observations [mas] mtot (float): total mass of system [Msol] period_lims (2-tuple of float): optional lower and upper prior limits for the orbital period [yr] tp_lims (2-tuple of float): optional lower and upper prior limits for the time of periastron passage [mjd] tau_ref_epoch (float): epoch [mjd] tau is defined relative to. Note: This implementation is designed to be mathematically identical to the implementation in O'Neil+ 2018. There are several limitations of our implementation, in particular: 1. `ObsPrior` only works with MCMC (not OFTI) 2. `ObsPrior` only works with relative astrometry (i.e. you can't use RVs or other data types) 3. `ObsPrior` only works when the input astrometry is given in RA/decl. format (i.e. not sep/PA) 4. `ObsPrior` assumes total mass (`mtot`) and parallax (`plx`) are fixed. 5. `ObsPrior` only works for systems with one secondary object (no multi-planet systems) 6. You must use `ObsPrior` with the `orbitize.basis.ObsPriors` orbital basis. None of these are inherent limitations of the observation-based technique, so let us know if you have a science case that would benefit from implementing one or more of these things! """ is_correlated = True def __init__( self, epochs, ra_err, dec_err, mtot, period_lims=(0, np.inf), tp_lims=(-np.inf, np.inf), tau_ref_epoch=58849, ): self.epochs = epochs self.tau_ref_epoch = tau_ref_epoch self.mtot = mtot self.ra_err = ra_err self.dec_err = dec_err self.period_lims = period_lims self.tp_lims = tp_lims self.total_params = 3 self.param_num = 0 self.correlated_input_samples = None def __repr__(self): return "ObsPrior" def increment_param_num(self): self.param_num += 1 self.param_num = self.param_num % (self.total_params + 1) self.param_num = self.param_num % self.total_params def draw_uniform_samples(self, num_samples): if self.param_num == 0: sample_pers = np.random.uniform( self.period_lims[0], self.period_lims[1], num_samples ) return sample_pers elif self.param_num == 1: sample_eccs = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_samples) return sample_eccs else: sample_tps = np.random.uniform( self.tp_lims[0], self.tp_lims[1], num_samples ) return sample_tps
[docs] def draw_samples(self, num_samples): """ Draws `num_samples` samples from uniform distributions in log(per), ecc, and tp. This is used for initializing the MCMC walkers. Warning: The behavior of orbitize.priors.ObsPrior.draw_samples() is different from the draw_samples() methods of other Prior objects, which draws random samples from the prior itself. """ samples = self.draw_uniform_samples(num_samples) self.increment_param_num() return samples
def compute_lnprob(self, element_array): if self.param_num == 0: self.correlated_input_samples = element_array else: self.correlated_input_samples = np.append( self.correlated_input_samples, element_array ) if self.param_num == (self.total_params - 1): period = self.correlated_input_samples[0] ecc = self.correlated_input_samples[1] tp = self.correlated_input_samples[2] if ( (period < self.period_lims[0]) or (period > self.period_lims[1]) or (ecc < 0) or (ecc > 1) or (tp < self.tp_lims[0]) or (tp > self.tp_lims[1]) ): self.increment_param_num() return -np.inf jac_prefactor = -( ((cst.G * self.mtot * u.Msun) ** 2 * period / (2 * np.pi**4)) ** (1 / 3) ).value sma = ((period) ** 2 * self.mtot) ** (1 / 3) tau = basis.tp_to_tau(tp, self.tau_ref_epoch, period) meananom = basis.tau_to_manom( self.epochs, sma, self.mtot, tau, self.tau_ref_epoch ) eccanom = _calc_ecc_anom(meananom, ecc) # sum Jacobian over all epochs (O'Neil 2019 eq 33) jacobian = np.sum( (1 / (self.ra_err * self.dec_err)) * np.abs( 2 * (ecc**2 - 2) * np.sin(eccanom) + ecc * (3 * meananom + np.sin(2 * eccanom)) + 3 * meananom * np.cos(eccanom) ) / (6 * np.sqrt(1 - ecc**2)) ) jacobian *= np.abs(jac_prefactor) lnprob = -2 * np.log(jacobian) self.increment_param_num() return lnprob else: self.increment_param_num() return 0
[docs]def all_lnpriors(params, priors): """ Calculates log(prior probability) of a set of parameters and a list of priors Args: params (np.array): size of N parameters priors (list): list of N prior objects corresponding to each parameter Returns: float: prior probability of this set of parameters """ logp = 0.0 for param, prior in zip(params, priors): param = np.array([param]) logp += prior.compute_lnprob(param) # return a float return logp
if __name__ == "__main__": # myPrior = LinearPrior(-1.0, 1.0) # mySamples = myPrior.draw_samples(1000) # print(mySamples) # myProbs = myPrior.compute_lnprob(mySamples) # print(myProbs) # myPrior = GaussianPrior(1.3, 0.2) # mySamples = myPrior.draw_samples(1) # print(mySamples) # myProbs = myPrior.compute_lnprob(mySamples) # print(myProbs) myPrior = GaussianPrior(-10, 0.5, no_negatives=True) u = np.random.uniform(0, 1, int(1e4)) samps = myPrior.transform_samples(u) print(samps.min(), samps.max()) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.hist(samps, bins=50)