import numpy as np
This module contains functions for computing log(likelihood).
[docs]def chi2_lnlike(
data, errors, corrs, model, jitter, seppa_indices, chi2_type="standard"
"""Compute Log of the chi2 Likelihood
data (np.array): Nobsx2 array of data, where data[:,0] = sep/RA/RV
for every epoch, and data[:,1] = corresponding pa/DEC/np.nan.
errors (np.array): Nobsx2 array of errors for each data point. Same
format as ``data``.
corrs (np.array): Nobs array of Pearson correlation coeffs
between the two quantities. If there is none, can be None.
model (np.array): Nobsx2xM array of model predictions, where M is the \
number of orbits being compared against the data. If M is 1, \
``model`` can be 2 dimensional.
jitter (np.array): Nobsx2xM array of jitter values to add to errors.
Elements of array should be 0 for for all data other than stellar \
seppa_indices (list): list of epoch numbers whose observations are
given in sep/PA. This list is located in System.seppa.
chi2_type (string): the format of chi2 to use is either 'standard' or \
np.array: Nobsx2xM array of chi-squared values.
.. note::
(1) **Example**: We have 8 epochs of data for a system. OFTI returns an
array of 10,000 sets of orbital parameters. The ``model`` input for
this function should be an array of dimension 8 x 2 x 10,000.
(2) Chi2_log: redefining chi-sqaured in log scale may give a more stable optimization. \
This works on separation and position angle data (seppa) not right ascension and declination \
(radec) data, but it is possible to convert between the two within Orbitize! using the \
function 'orbitize.system'radec2seppa' (see docuemntation). This implementation defines sep chi-squared \
in log scale, and defines pa chi-sq using complex phase representation.
log sep chisq = (log sep - log sep_true)^2 / (sep_sigma / sep_true)^2
pa chisq = 2 * (1 - cos(pa-pa_true))/pa_sigma^2
if np.ndim(model) == 3:
# move M dimension to the primary axis, so that numpy knows to iterate over it
model = np.rollaxis(model, 2, 0) # now MxNobsx2 in dimensions
jitter = np.rollaxis(jitter, 2, 0)
third_dim = True
elif np.ndim(model) == 2:
model.shape = (1,) + model.shape
jitter.shape = (1,) + jitter.shape
third_dim = False
if chi2_type == "standard":
residual = data - model
# if there are PA values, we should take the difference modulo angle wrapping
if np.size(seppa_indices) > 0:
residual[:, seppa_indices, 1] = (
residual[:, seppa_indices, 1] + 180.0
) % 360.0 - 180.0
sigma2 = errors**2 + jitter**2 # diagonal error term
if corrs is None:
# including the second term of chi2
# the sqrt() in the log() means we don't need to multiply by 0.5
chi2 = -0.5 * residual**2 / sigma2 - np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma2))
has_no_corr = np.isnan(corrs)
yes_corr = np.where(~has_no_corr)[0]
no_corr = np.where(has_no_corr)[0]
chi2 = np.zeros(residual.shape)
chi2[:, no_corr] = -0.5 * residual[:, no_corr] ** 2 / sigma2[
:, no_corr
] - np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma2[:, no_corr]))
# analytical solution for 2x2 covariance matrix
# chi2 = -0.5 * (R^T C^-1 R + ln(det_C))
chi2[:, yes_corr] = _chi2_2x2cov(
residual[:, yes_corr], sigma2[:, yes_corr], corrs[yes_corr]
elif chi2_type == "log":
# using the log version of chi squared
# split the data up into sep, pa, and rv data using seppa_indices and quant
sep_data = data[seppa_indices, 0]
sep_model = model[:, seppa_indices, 0]
sep_error = errors[seppa_indices, 0]
pa_data = data[seppa_indices, 1]
pa_model = model[:, seppa_indices, 1]
pa_error = errors[seppa_indices, 1] * np.pi / 180
# calculating sep chi squared
sep_chi2_log = (np.log(sep_data) - np.log(sep_model)) ** 2 / (
sep_error / sep_data
) ** 2
# calculting pa chi squared Log
pa_resid = (pa_model - pa_data + 180.0) % 360.0 - 180.0
pa_chi2_log = 2 * (1 - np.cos(pa_resid * np.pi / 180)) / pa_error**2
residual = data - model
sigma2 = errors**2 + jitter**2 # diagonal error term
chi2 = residual**2 / sigma2
chi2[:, seppa_indices, 0] = sep_chi2_log
chi2[:, seppa_indices, 1] = pa_chi2_log
chi2 = -0.5 * chi2 - np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma2))
if third_dim:
# move M dimension back to the last axis
model = np.rollaxis(model, 0, 3) # now MxNobsx2 in dimensions
jitter = np.rollaxis(jitter, 0, 3)
chi2 = np.rollaxis(chi2, 0, 3) # same with chi2
model.shape = model.shape[1:]
chi2.shape = chi2.shape[1:]
jitter.shape = jitter.shape[1:]
return chi2
def _chi2_2x2cov(residual, var, corrs):
Analytical solution for when quant1/quant2 have a covariance term
So we don't need to calculate matrix inverses when the jitter varies depending on the model
residual (np.array): MxNobsx2 array of fit residuals,
var (np.array): MxNobsx2 array of variance for each residual
corrs (np.array): Nobs array of off axis Pearson corr coeffs
between the two quantities.
np.array: MxNobsx2 array of chi2. Becuase of x/y coariance, it's impossible to
spearate the quant1/quant2 chi2. Thus, all the chi2 is in the first term
and the second dimension is 0
det_C = var[:, :, 0] * var[:, :, 1] * (1 - corrs**2)
covs = corrs * np.sqrt(var[:, :, 0]) * np.sqrt(var[:, :, 1])
chi2 = (
residual[:, :, 0] ** 2 * var[:, :, 1]
+ residual[:, :, 1] ** 2 * var[:, :, 0]
- 2 * residual[:, :, 0] * residual[:, :, 1] * covs
) / det_C
chi2 += np.log(det_C) + 2 * np.log(
2 * np.pi
) # extra factor of 2 since quant1 and quant2 in each element of chi2.
chi2 *= -0.5
chi2 = np.stack([chi2, np.zeros(chi2.shape)], axis=2)
return chi2
[docs]def chi2_norm_term(errors, corrs):
Return only the normalization term of the Gaussian likelihood:
.. math::
.. math::
-0.5 * (log(det(C)) + N * log(2\\pi))
errors (np.array): Nobsx2 array of errors for each data point. Same
format as ``data``.
corrs (np.array): Nobs array of Pearson correlation coeffs
between the two quantities. If there is none, can be None.
float: sum of the normalization terms
sigma2 = errors**2
if corrs is None:
norm = -np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma2))
has_no_corr = np.isnan(corrs)
yes_corr = np.where(~has_no_corr)[0]
no_corr = np.where(has_no_corr)[0]
norm = np.zeros(errors.shape)
norm[no_corr] = -np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma2[no_corr]))
det_C = (
sigma2[yes_corr[0], 0] * sigma2[yes_corr[0], 1] * (1 - corrs[yes_corr] ** 2)
norm[yes_corr, 0] = -0.5 * (
det_C + 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi)
) # extra factor of 2 since quant1 and quant2 in each element of chi2.
return np.sum(norm)